
Weight Loss Without Diet

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss Without Diet.

How many times have you tried a diet? I don't remember how many ways of losing weight I have struggled with. As a "normal" woman I have attempted to lose weight for long periods during the 47 years of my life. Unfortunately I don't belong to the people gifted with a metabolism which allows them to eat anything without gaining weight. Whenever I indulge in food and drink, my body dutifully converts any extra calories into fat. However - and here is the good news - over the years I have successfully managed my weight. I am 1,75 meters tall and weigh around 60 kilograms (for the US this would be 5 feet 9 inches and 132 pounds). If I can do it, you can do it, too. My secret: Forget all diets and satisfy your body and soul.

My qualification: You might ask about my qualification to write about the subject "weight loss without diet": I am not an expert on nutrition. But I have worked a decade as a professional journalist for newspaper and radio in Germany and thus I am schooled in gathering and processing information.

Furthermore I have struggled with weight issues for many years. Growing up I went through a two year long phase of "Anorexia nervosa", although at this point in time I was not properly diagnosed and treated as such. Luckily it did not last too long. When I got divorced at 29 years of age my eating disorder resurfaced with binge eating. This time I received psychotherapy which helped a lot.

Hence, from a layperson's point of view I dare state the following:

Diets only make you fat.

Of course there are exceptions: If you are superrich and can afford your own personal chef or your own personal diet caterer, this statement might not apply to you. For the average person however following a diet is too restrictive to ever be successful for a long period of time. Who wants to weight every bit and piece before eating? Who wants to eat exactly what a diet tells you? A diet leaves no room for urges or cravings or appetites, thus a diet gives us a constant feeling of dissatisfaction and restraint.

I strongly believe that only a satisfied, well nourished body can be a slim body. Our bodies express their needs in cravings. When the thought of a strawberry makes my mouth water, I guess, my body needs a strawberry and only a strawberry will bring me the full extent of satisfaction which leaves me feeling round and well.

When you follow a diet your body gets used to a low calorie intake. Once you start to eat normal again, your body happily packs on the pounds and all your effort is lost. This is especially true for any kind of fasting or crash diet: One time I fasted completely for three weeks and lost all the weight I wanted to lose. My slim body however lasted only one week. When I started to eat again, my body jumped on all the calories it had been denied - a very frustrating experience, not to mention the exhausting mental struggle to refrain from eating for three weeks.

According to my experience, before losing any extra pounds you have to understand the reason why your body looks like it does.

Reasons for overweight:

There are many reasons for overweight, but I dare say: Most of the excess kilos we carry around are rooted in our psyche. When we take life too heavy we tend to pile on the pounds. Do you load too much responsibility on your shoulders? Do you always want to do more than you possibly can? Or do you suffer from depression without realizing it?

If we really want to change our weight we have to search inside ourselves. Maybe you have just enjoyed the culinary pleasures of life too much and thus put on some extra kilos. On the other hand, why do you need to comfort yourself with food or drink?

Now this may sound obvious and like pseudo-psychology but I have been there and I know what I am talking about. If you are seriously struggling with your weight for many years (never mind if you are really overweight or not) you should seek the help of a good psychotherapist or get psychological help in any way available. The sympathetic ear of a friend cannot be underestimated.

Only when you discover what really makes you fat you will be able to lose weight.

I further believe one major reason for piling up the pounds is the copious amounts of chemicals which are mixed into the modern food. First of all there are the various glucose and malt syrups which go directly from your mouth into your blood and from there to your hips.

Then there are all the preservatives which cause havoc in the digestive system. Just think about the nature of a preservative: Its function is keeping food from being spoilt by bacteria. Unfortunately our digestive system works with the help of bacteria as well. I cannot imagine that food swamped with preservatives can be easily digested or provide enough nutrients for our bodies.

When you enjoy eating out too much you tend to consume a lot of unhealthy fats. Did you ever check which kind of oil a restaurant kitchen is using? I dare state that any person who wants to stay healthy should not consume restaurant or fast food on a daily basis.

Another reason for overweight may be an undetected yeast infection of the digestive system. Yeast infections are widely spread nowadays and you can catch them easily in any public place. They are very difficult to get rid off. Candida albicans tends to invade the digestive tract and absorb nutrition from the food we eat. The result can be frequent food cravings and binge eating.

How to stay slim or lose weight: Having stated this, let me show you how I keep my weight without diet - and I love to eat and drink. To all the people who claim there are foods which make you slim I would like to affirm the following (of course it is difficult to gain weight eating only leafy vegetables or green beans, but who wants to live like that?):

Only the food that does not enter into your mouth does not make you fat.

If you want to lose weight, reduce the size of the portions you eat - but don't deny yourself anything. Give in to your appetites and cravings, be it chocolate pie or French fries. Just don't eat too much of these sinful delights. Stop after a small piece of pie or a few French fries. Our stomachs are creatures of habit: Once they are used to smaller portions, you will feel satisfied with less. Permanent weight loss is always a slow process so you should be prepared to eat less for a long period of time.

1. Exercise. When people ask me how I manage to stay slim over the years I answer: I don't eat too much and I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. There is absolutely no substitute for exercise. Our bodies need to move to function well. Exercise raises the heart rate, which brings more blood and nourishment to our cells. Our metabolism and hormone production improve with exercise. After a good workout you feel well and relaxed. It does not matter what kind of exercise you do, the important thing is to move your body and to get your heart pumping. I have never considered myself a sportive person but I enjoy sweating in the gym because I feel so good afterwards. Fortunately exercise is very addictive: Once you are hooked to the great feeling after a workout, you start to take pleasure in it.

2. The magic of love: Falling in love is the easiest way to lose weight. When we fall in love normally we lose some kilograms without even noticing. Unfortunately this way of losing weight cannot be programmed though you can work on falling in love with yourself. When was the last time you pampered yourself? When was the last time you told yourself how lovable you are? Do you ever look at your bare breasts and tell yourself how beautiful you are? Remember: Sex is one of the best exercises for keeping you slim and trim. If you are lucky enough to live with a spouse try everything you can to spice up your sex life. There are numerous publications available, just check out what works for you. If you are alone, there is no reason to despair. Sexual activity with your own self can be a joyful and slimming exercise, any time, any place. Be your own best friend and lover - you know best, what turns you on.

3. Avoid sugar and empty carbohydrates: Sugar, white flour, rice and other cereals without the natural fiber go directly from your stomach into your blood. They raise blood sugar levels giving you a boost until the sugar is used up and you experience a drop of energy. Then you need some more sugar to give you another boost. A diet rich in sugar and empty carbohydrates keeps you eating all day long without ever feeling really full and satisfied. Of course the occasional ice cream, cookie or pie belongs to the pleasures of life which should be appreciated - but not regarded as a normal part of a healthy diet.

4. Eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water: This keeps your digestion going in combination with exercise. When you eat enough fiber and drink water at the same time you will never complain about constipation. Healthy bowel movements are absolutely necessary to feel well. If your food remains too much time in your body, waste accumulates. Don't forget to drink water when eating fiber: Fiber without liquid tends to clot your digestive system.

5. Take lactobacillus: The bacteria in your intestines help to break down the food and nourish your body so it does not need to accumulate fat. If you take lactobacillus in one form or another every day, you will rarely complain about bloating or excessive gas. Lactobacillus is available in many forms nowadays and I find it extremely helpful with all kinds of ailments. If you don't like to eat curd or other milk products, take capsules.

6. Avoid huge meals: Of course it is nice to enjoy a five or six course meal occasionally when celebrating or just when you feel like it. What would be life without indulgences? However, on a daily basis it is better to keep your meals small and eat more frequently. Spread your calorie intake over the day and don't eat too late.

7. Avoid hunger pangs: Keep on eating, don't wait until you are starving. When your stomach is grumbling and you really need something to eat you tend to eat too much too quickly. Our brain needs around 20 minutes to register that we have filled our stomachs, that's why it helps to eat slowly and chew carefully.

8. Satisfy cravings: When something is making your mouth water, try to fulfill this desire. Your body is telling you what it needs. Cravings are one of the ways our bodies express themselves. As mentioned before: If you feel like eating a strawberry (or a chocolate bar or hot dogs) by all means, follow your craving.

9. Vitamins and minerals: Make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals by taking supplements according to your doctor's advice.

10. Finally the obvious: Don't drink too much alcohol; eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and sleep enough. If you cannot sleep properly, feel fatigued or unhappy you might suffer from depression and/or hormonal imbalance. Go to your doctor and get help. Research online about your symptoms and ask your doctor about them.

The author has dedicated a website to tips and recipes for healthy living: 'Kornelia's Kitchen', .

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.