Food Lovers Fat Loss System The Myth of Willpower.
Willpower: that's what it takes right? If you don't have willpower then you're weak and undisciplined. Well, put it this way: the most disciplined soldier will crack. We are not perfect. Willpower commands perfection. Therefore, when we crack we don't meet the expectation of perfection and we beat ourselves up. When we use willpower we set ourselves up for disappointment and frustration. When you go hours without eating you can have all the willpower in the world but you can't fight biological hunger. Why force yourself into starvation mode? Why are you living in a self-inflicted concentration camp? That's not freedom.
Here's what to do: make a contingency plan. Give yourself room to eat...and eat! And don't beat yourself up over it. What I mean by a contingency plan is go with the expectation that you are going to enjoy foods that you already like to eat but eat them in a way that is going to cause you to keep your blood sugars even. How? Well, check out the Food Lovers Fat Loss System. People are doing it and losing tremendous weight.
But apart from that, no matter how much time you go without food you will run into biological hunger and no matter how much willpower you think you have you will eat. There is no need to put yourself in a self inflected concentration camp. There is a better way. Give food lovers a shot. Create a contingency plan. EAT!
It's not about willpower. Your failures are not your future :)
Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.