Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss Helped by Colon Cleanse.
People looking to lose weight may be interested to hear about how colon cleanse products helped one woman's mission to slim down.
Julie Evans wrote on the Purely Fitness website about how she lost a significant amount of weight when she began to combine colon cleanse supplements with a healthy diet as part of a detoxifying programme. Ms Evans decided to take the plunge and order colon cleanse products after she saw that her friend was enjoying the effects of the supplements. She wrote on the website: "I have a confession to make. I felt apprehensive when ordering the supplements - but I had seen my friend benefiting from them, so I knew they worked."
Ms Evans said she was amazed to learn that a colon can contain as much as ten pounds of undigested food and fecal matter and claims to have lost 15 pounds in three weeks after starting her diet plan.
Most people's diet consists of refined carbohydrate and saturated fat, which makes faeces thick and creates an excess amount of fat in the human system.
Human faeces in colons can contain dangerous bacteria that may lead to infections in the blood stream and it is important to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the body.
Taking colon cleanse supplements will help detoxify the body and can improve a person's appearance as it provides the skin with healthy oils and nutrients and helps people to keep looking young. Colon cleanse can also increase the metabolism of the body and help to burn foods and the fat that the body is currently storing.
In addition, an accelerated metabolism will give a body more energy, which can provide people with the energy to undertake a more vigorous workout.
Coffee lovers who are interested in the health of their colon will be pleased to know that a scientific study has claimed that the hot drink is not linked to colon cancer.
Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health discovered that people who regularly drank coffee and soda did not significantly increase their chances of developing the disease.
Dr Xuehong Zhang of the organisation said that people who drank as many as six cups of coffee per day did not have a better likelihood of contracting colon cancer.
People should consult a GP or a medical professional before taking colon cleanse supplements if they are pregnant or lactating, taking medication or under medical supervision.
Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.