Food Lovers Fat Loss System Obesity in Pets - A Cause For Concern.
Forty percent of dogs and thirty percent of cats are listed as obese on the medical records. This is very eye-opening to any animal lover and owner because no other condition weakens the body and opens a pet's health up for other diseases as much as obesity. Animals that are obese definitely have arthritis and other joint issues. There is a much higher incidence of diabetes and heart disease in obese pets. Also, animals have a hard time breathing and controlling their body heat. High body fat also weakens the immune system leading to skin conditions.
Obesity is defined as being twenty percent over weight. So, an animal that seems to have a relatively strong pet health diagnosis that should weigh fifty pounds but now weighs sixty would be considered obese. There are two major factors that affect obesity, food intake and exercise. Some animals have problems in both categories, others it is just one or the other. Overfeeding your animals can lead to their obesity, which means that we are in fact killing our own pets without thinking about it. Dogs like people can go many weeks without food in desperate situations. Cats are different; they typically can go without food for more than three to four days without developing liver problems. So, as owners we need to be much more firm with our feeding practices.
If you have a portly pooch or a heavy kitty, have no fear, there is help. When treating your pet for obesity there are two ways that a vet can help you balance your pet's health. First, your pet's caloric intake will need to be calculated. If it is too much, then it will need to be reduced. Most companies make restricted calorie treats so don't think that you don't have any options there. Once the caloric intake is corrected the exercise component will be to be tweaked as well. Exercise can mean many different things. You can take your pet for a walk around the neighborhood, you can throw a ball in the back yard, or you can take your pet to the lake and do a little swimming.
Since obesity is a major pet health concern, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first ever drug for canine weight loss. It has proved to be very safe since it came out and a lot of people are having amazing results with it. The drug works mainly by telling the brain that the body is full and the pet is not hungry anymore. Secondly, it also blocks the uptake of fat through the intestines. If your portly pooch needs some help and you just don't feel that diet and exercise alone will help ask your veterinarian about the medication to help your animal lose the necessary weight. Please, take your pet's weight seriously, it is a major health risk and it is also highly preventable. Talk to your veterinarian about a plan to shed those stubborn, extra pounds this summer.
Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.