Food Lovers Fat Loss System Leptin - The Weight Loss Hormone.
Leptin is a hormone made by our own fat cells. Leptin can shut down your appetite and cravings, plus make your body burn fat faster. We have some strategies that will help your body use leptin to its best advantage.
Get plenty of sleep. Research has shown that if you are well rested, your brain's ability to absorb and use leptin is increased by as much as 80%. According to the Heart, Diabetes, and Weight Loss Centers of New York, women who get close to 8 hours of sleep each night tend to be 11 pounds slimmer than those women who get less sleep.- Eat zinc-rich foods. Zinc can increase the body's production of leptin by as much as 142% according to research. Some good sources of zinc are bran cereal, shellfish and pine nuts.
Skip low-fat foods. Low-fat foods are often packed with high fructose corn syrup to improve their flavor. Unfortunately, high fructose corn syrup can interfere with your brain's ability to recognize leptin. When this happens, you are more likely to overeat. So, stay away from foods with high fructose corn syrup.
Drink more wine. According to a recent study, women who sip a glass of wine daily have about 7% more leptin in their systems than those women who do not drink. In fact, experts believe that this may be why wine lovers who lose weight are only half as likely to struggle with rebound weight gain.
Eat more spinach. Spinach is loaded with lipoic acid. Lipoic acid helps fat cells produce more leptin. At least one cup daily can help you shed up to 5% of your weight within six months.