
Your Breakfast Determines the Course of Metabolism And Why We Need Alkaline Foods

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Your Breakfast Determines the Course of Metabolism And Why We Need Alkaline Foods.

In our time, burdened with illnesses caused by modern-day civilization, many people have the course of their physical and psychological health predetermined upon waking in the morning. Does the day begin with instant psychological stress for the soul followed by a "Greek breakfast" for our physicality? For many men and women in the generation under fifty, the Greek breakfast is "cool" and "in".

Maybe you belong to the older generation and aren't familiar with this "Greek breakfast". It consists of a cup of strong black coffee and a cigarette. That makes one feel alive after a short night and ready for another stressful day. That's why one cleverly begins with immediate physical and psychological stress, and insists on continuing this familiar rhythm.

Fortunately, this Greek breakfast is more likely the exception than the norm on most breakfast tables. Yet, unfortunately, the other four breakfast types are not more "healthy". In fact, they give way to metabolic problems, rather than strengthening our metabolism, immune system, and overall physical health. We differentiate between the four breakfast types as follows:

The Gluten Breakfast

The gluten breakfast is the most common white flour breakfast with bread and buns, and it is also the crunchy-muesli-breakfast. People who are allergic to gluten should avoid this kind of breakfast, and many people who suffer from digestive problems should reduce their intake of grains. After being consumed over years and decades, gluten has the tendency to congeal, and become lodged in our organs. These constrictions are the reason for the rise of high blood pressure, which reveals itself over the decades of our lives. This rise in physical pressure can have many effects such as inflammations or physical stress, and also the constrictions and congestions of our blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, and other conductors such as the fallopian tube, ureter, or seminal duct.

The Milk Breakfast

The daily milk breakfast equally contributes to constrictions and congestions of our vessels. Milk does not only contain a high degree of congestive components, but also many elements of phosphate and the enzyme catalase. The high amount of phosphate is the reason that milk and milk product are not calcium providers, but actually calcium robbers.

The catalase in cows' milk is an oxygen robber and sets in motion all kinds of deficiency diseases. Catalase reduces the intake of oxygen into our blood, and therefore into our whole organism. However, oxygen is the great receptor for all substances reaching into our organism.

Our body as a whole consists of 80% oxygen. This element is the main axis of our entire metabolism. Even our bones chemically consist mainly of oxygen.

The element oxygen is a so called "negative element." It doesn't mean it is a bad element, it means it is an "absorbing" one. Diseases like iron deficiency anaemia are solved in no time; if one eliminates milk and milk products while introducing oxygen therapies, such as the haematoma oxygen therapy or a pointed supply of ionic oxygen.

The Sugar Breakfast

The ingredients of a sugar breakfast rapidly ferment within our bodies, causing many negative consequences. Bread and buns themselves are derived from a fermentation process. The huge consumption of sugar in jams, nut spreads, chocolate drinks and other drinks introduces constant alcohol fermentation in the intestines. Over the years this hidden inebriation of our youth may be the less observed reason our young people tap into an over-consumption of alcohol.

The constant overload of bad alcohol derived from the fermentation in the small intestines in the organism of the child has already lowered the IQ level and the whole spirit and body performance levels.

Children like the typical toast or white flour bread with chocolate spread, which contains much sugar and fat. The result is our children become overweight and weak, while the acidity of the body increases, leading to diabetes and excess weight. The vessels become burdened with sticky gluten, and fungal diseases will also rise.

Due to the sugar portion and the missing fibre in the diet, the blood sugar level will rise. After that, the insulin level will rise to transfer the sugar and fat into the cells. The blood sugar level then rapidly drops and the brain again signals food cravings. New energy has to be activated to overcome the low level of energy. If again sweets, coke, energy drinks are consumed, the whole dangerous cycle is repeated, and the blood sugar levels again play roller-coaster. Boredom and lack of motivation rotates with aggressiveness and hyper activity. Soon there is the need for "helpful" psychological drugs.

The Salty Breakfast

Business people know this breakfast as the "New York breakfast." It consists of a plate of scrambled eggs, white bread with fried sausages and fried ham. The 'normal' salty breakfast consists of ham and sausage, egg with salt and pepper, and tasty cheeses.

The salt lovers normally aren't aware that the two kidneys generally are only able to eliminate daily 5-6 grams common salt. Notice, this is in reference to both kidneys! This so called "salt barrier" causes a salt congestion, which manifests itself as lard fat in the kidneys and then as lard fat in the intestines. With a continuous excessive consumption of salt and subsequent accumulation of waste products, cellulite, back tension, causes damaged intervertebral discs; in the end these so called "new hips" are further steps of a career ladder, which all began with an overload of the kidneys. There are two recommendations for salt lovers in restoring internal balance. The first is to reduce the salt intake. The second well-meaning advice is to strengthen the two kidneys in their ability to release acidity and sodium chloride. This strengthening takes place through an extensive provision of omni molecular vital substances. For example: zinc is a great support to the kidneys in eliminating acids and poisoning salts. Now we come to the fifth type of breakfast.

The Gluten Free and Lactose Free Vital Substances Breakfast

This fifth breakfast is a kind of "quinta essentia" for our health. Greece in the old days knew four elements--water, earth, fire, and air--while searching for thousands of years for the fifth element, the "quinta essentia".

How does the best possible "quinta essentia" breakfast look like? It is a salt free, dairy free, sugar free, and gluten free breakfast. It is also not a raw breakfast, it will be cooked for a short time, and therefore digestible and absorbable for all constitution types, as well for babies, seniors and people with allergies. This breakfast is mineral rich and filled with vital substances. It is an ideal metabolism starter. It is composed of non-allergenic gluten free seeds such as millet, buckwheat, amaranth, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, which are providers of high quality fatty acids.

Such a breakfast is an integral part of an omni molecular supply of vital substances for our organism providing a health start in the early morning. With such a nutrient-rich supply we strengthen our immune system and support our organism in overcoming the many allergies in our time. It is also the ideal breakfast for an anti fungus diet, and for weight loss. It is a breakfast with a high density of nutritional value, but without empty calories.

Of course, such a breakfast is a helpful tool for regeneration, in any convalescence, and for any high performance sportsman, for any person who suffers digestive weaknesses, and of course, for our children and babies from months 10 until months 12 years old. It is a breakfast without any additives and of course, without any refined sugar.

I have called this fifth breakfast "MorgenStund". In doing so I followed a German proverb "The early bird catches the worm". In the early morning, one sets the course of metabolism for a day of stress and sluggishness, or for a day of radiant happiness and vibrant health, where we have an abundance of creative energy to accomplish our day's work. I am the intellectual father of this breakfast. The ingredients were created by my brilliant team of dieticians and my beloved friend and Co-author of my books, Josef Lohkaemper.

Morgenstund is teeming with a rich array of vital substances and nutrients... Your entire physical and mental health will greatly benefit from this powerful morning start.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

You Dont Have to Leave What You Love!

Food Lovers Fat Loss System You Dont Have to Leave What You Love!.

Isn't it wonderful to still enjoy your most loved food and manage to lose weight? Diet will never be that painful!

Often times, when you are going through a diet program, what you see most in the list are exes on the food you shouldn't eat! This particular fat loss system focuses more on maintaining consistent blood sugar levels and metabolism.

Being in this particular program, you will be allowed to eat your favourite food! From pizzas, to fried chicken to desserts! Gees! Is this really a diet program? Yes it is! Remember, this system is all about optimizing your glycemic profile.

Now to understand this program better, let's discuss the components of certain food nutrients that comprise your diet. Carbohydrates are categorized into two -" Fast carbs" the one that converts sugar in your blood and "Slow carbs" the one who does the opposite. Of course, you should have a balance of both. Adding protein in this combination will complement it well and will keep your insulin level low. By doing this, you will have your blood sugar constant. If this will be your body's condition, you will be burning more fats and be in a consistent diet mode!

Metabolism is also the target of this program. Teaching you to stabilize your metabolism by eating the right kinds of food is that this program will do. Some people's metabolisms are fast and some are slow, now the level of difficulty of this program will be dependent on your personal profile. There would be practices that cannot be applied and used by you; this is because your body composition has different needs.

Starvation is definitely not the answer!

Now are you willing to go the distance with this food lovers and fat loss system?

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Yo-Yo Dieter, Break The Cycle

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Yo-Yo Dieter, Break The Cycle.

Recently I was reduced to wearing tracksuits. Was this because I was on a health kick? Or because I was lounging around? No, it was because they have elasticated waists and they are the only clothes I could fit into.

Every fat person who wants to lose weight has a moment when they decide enough is enough and they go on a diet. If you are like me that moment happens fairly frequently, perhaps once every 2 or 3 months. The chain of events following that moment are as follows: life changing event - decide to diet, stock up on low calorie, low fat, tasteless foods, diet fails - heap the pounds on. This chain of events is one that most yo-yo dieters will recognise. Every time we diet we lose weight and then put more on. Why is this?

It is simple really. When us fatties go on a diet we assume it is only temporary. Therefore we change our eating habits but only for a while. We keep reassuring our subconscious that this change of diet is not forever and soon we can go back to eating the foods that we love as opposed to the foods that the diet book says we should love. When we have had enough of the foods that we dislike so much we go back to our usual diet but we eat more to make up for the weeks (or days) we weren't able to eat normally.

It is for this reason that diets don't work. If you follow naturally slim people you will see that they very rarely watch what they eat and they certainly don't count calories. The trick really isn't what you eat but how much of it. Fat people are doomed whichever way you look at it. Because we have over eaten in the past our stomachs hold more food and therefore our appetite is bigger. What suffices Kate Moss isn't even going to touch the sides where I am concerned. If we reduce what we eat our metabolic rate decreases and our bodies prepare us for impending starvation.

Over the years I have tried many diets and other methods to lose weight. The result of all these methods is that I reached the heaviest weight I have ever been. A summary of some of the methods is below.

Atkins Diet - great weight loss initially. Bad breath a massive side effect. Repetitious meals meant interest was lost after a month.

Rosemary Conley - just a normal diet for lettuce lovers. Keep fit video got on my nerves because that cheesy grin doesn't leave her face.

Weightwatchers - points system makes sense but is difficult to follow and takes time to record.

Appetite Suppressants - I don't eat because I am hungry, I eat because I am happy, sad, content, depressed and stressed. No help whatsoever, but cost an awful lot of money to find out.

GI diet - too much green stuff for my liking.

Blood Type diet - whoever heard such rubbish?

And there have been many more.

I have recently discovered the way to lose weight and keep it off. Get ready for a ground-breaking revelation... EAT LESS AND EXERCISE MORE! Not what you wanted to hear? I didn't either, but read on and hear me out.

There are many reasons why we over eat. My triggers were my emotions. I ate whenever an emotion kicked in, like sadness, happiness, depression, stress and many others. I was miserable because I over ate so I ate some more. I was stressed that none of my clothes fitted so I ate some more. We react this way because we have programmed our minds to think this way. The only way out of this cycle is to reprogramme our minds.

I have recently discovered Paul Mckenna the leading hypnotist. His dvd about slimming reprogrammes your mind to help you control your eating pattern. He advises you of some basic rules and reiterates them throughout the dvd, enforcing them into your subconscious. In a nutshell he advises you to; eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full, eat what you like, cook fresh produce where you can and exercise more. The 'eat what you like' bit was what did it for me. Through his programme I now recognise the signs that I am full, whereas before I just happily munched my way through the next bag of family size sweets and reached for the indigestion tablets. I now find myself walking to the local shops rather than driving and I try to find foods that are fresh rather than mass produced in a factory in China.

The results have been excellent. I still have a few stone to go but I really don't feel that I am on a diet. I eat what I like, when I like and therefore boredom doesn't kick in. As the weight drops off I have found that I have more energy and am able to do more exercise. This has to be the longest and most successful 'diet' I have ever been on.

Stop looking for the miracle weight loss diet or the next big diet pill breakthrough, you are just wasting time. Treat yourself, get into hypnosis and break the yo-yo diet habit.

My tracksuits are available on eBay if you want them.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Why We Need Fiber In Our Diets

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Why We Need Fiber In Our Diets.

There are many different nutrients that we need to have in our diets in order for us to be healthy, and we get these nutrients from the foods we eat. If all we eat is junk food, we won't be getting any of these nutrients or other important dietary factors, including fiber. Fiber is a necessary part of everyone's diet for a number of reasons. Most people think of it as something we need to make us have regular bowel movements. But there's so much more that fiber does for our body.

Why Is Fiber Necessary?

You may not realize it, but fiber actually provides absolutely no calories. But we still need to have fiber in our diets since it works in our digestive systems, slowing down how quickly food moves through our stomachs, and then speeding it up again when it reaches our intestines. If you've ever had trouble with constipation, you may have been advised to eat more high fiber foods, or at least take dietary supplements with fiber.

In addition to digestion, fiber is also necessary for the growth of healthy bacteria, and it has a positive effect on C-reactive protein, providing cardiovascular benefits. And fiber helps to slow the release of blood sugar into our systems, making it easier to lose weight and helping to prevent type II diabetes. So as you can see, we need to have plenty of fiber in our diets. Fortunately, there are many delicious fiber foods that are excellent for any type of diet, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

Fiber Foods That Taste Terrific

When many of us think of eating high fiber foods, we imagine things like bran, wheat, and other things that some consider boring or tasteless (although there are many things you can do with these grains to make them totally delicious).

There are also many herbs and spices that are loaded with fiber, which allows you to season your food while getting extra fiber as well. A food is considered to be "high fiber" when it has five or more grams in every serving. Some of the seasonings that you probably use all the time anyway that are considered high in fiber (and there are many, many more) are:

- ground cinnamon

- ground sage

- fennel seed

- curry powder

- parsley

- dried oregano

- black pepper

- ground allspice

- ground cloves

But spices aren't the only fiber foods you can add to your diet. If you love chocolate, cocoa powder is also high in fiber, so a cup of hot cocoa is a perfect way to get fiber in your diet, and it's delicious too. There are many tasty cereals that are loaded with fiber, including bran flakes, Kellogg's All Bran, Kellogg's Rice Crispies, and more. Enjoy a bowl of cereal at any time of the day for a tasty high fiber snack. It's not just for breakfast any more.

Any food that is whole grain is considered to be high in fiber, which means that foods like bran or whole grain muffins, bagels, buns, and breads are great choices. If you love oatmeal for breakfast, then you're already getting a good helping of fiber every morning. Pasta lovers can get their fiber and other important nutrients from whole grain pasta. There are even plenty of delicious snacks that are high in fiber, such as popcorn.

Many fruits and vegetables are wonderful fiber foods. You can get plenty of fiber from delicious dried fruits, which are extremely healthy, especially when you eat them with nuts and seeds (which are also high in fiber) in a trail mix. Berries are also high in fiber, as well as oranges, avocados, kiwis, pears, and apples with their skins still on. When it comes to vegetables, leafy greens are high in fiber, as are green peas, chick peas, lentils, and many types of beans.

High Fiber Foods Are Also High Protein Foods

Many of the above foods that are high in fiber are also extremely rich in other nutrients, such as protein, which our bodies must have in order to be strong and healthy. With high fiber foods you can get lots of nutrients just from one meal, including the fiber you need, as well as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. And as mentioned above, you can get your fiber simply by seasoning your meals, which most of us do anyway. By eating healthy, nutrient dense foods, you won't have to eat continuously all day long to get everything your body needs.

Making Sure You Get Enough Protein

Because it's so important that you get enough protein in your diet, it's essential to eat plenty of foods that are high in protein, including lean red meat, fish, poultry, low or non-fat dairy products, and more. And if you are still not getting enough protein in your diet, you might also want to start using protein supplements, which not only contain protein, but many other nutrients as well.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Why is the South Beach Diet a Great Success

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Why is the South Beach Diet a Great Success.

A diet, in the area of weight loss, is the controlled ingestion of food and drink. The South Beach Diet offers a program primarily based on the balancing of foods and the person's metabolism. The diet incorporates a premise that you should consume combination of good carbohydrates and good fats.

Dietary programs developed for weight loss vary in methodology and in food types allowable. Unlike other dietary programs which ban certain food groups entirely, the South Beach Diet promotes "good" versus "bad" items in the various categories. As an example, whole wheat bakery products are good, while products made with white processed flours are bad. To attain a healthy lifestyle, the diet one selects to follow must accomplish several things. If the dietary plan is too restrictive, adherence to it may be short-lived.

Most people prefer a diet where they have multiple choices and a wide selection of foods. When the dieter is a lover of pasta, a weight loss plan that prohibits ingestion of carbohydrates will lead to failure. Giving up the foods you love can lead to cravings that could result in binges. One of the most positive aspects of the South Beach Diet is that it includes every food group. It is much easier for a dieter on the South Beach Diet program to stay on track.

Additionally, when the foods or meals in the diet require excessive preparation, the dieter may quit. Diets where you need to soak, grind, pulverize, dehydrate or sprout and then mix or blend, can be overwhelming. The level of commitment required to maintain a diet this complicated is generally not common. Thankfully, adopting the South Beach Diet into your lifestyle won't increase food preparation times. Because there is no additional effort involved in meal preparation, it will not be another daily laborious task. With everyone's busy lives, the South Beach Diet offers easy to prepare meals.

There is nothing more aggravating than not being able to find something you need. Several popular diets require visits to specialty stores or ordering of hard to find products. If ingredients required in a diet plan are difficult to acquire, the person trying to lose weight will eventually abandon the program. Frustration typically does not help to achieve weight loss. Add to this the cost of some of these unusual ingredients, and most dieters will admit defeat. In contrast, the South Beach Diet can easily be followed purchasing items found in any local grocery market. The dieter has no problem obtaining items like chicken, fish, wild rice, whole wheat pasta and tomatoes.

Diets that require a mathematics' major to keep track of calories consumed and calories burned may work for some people. However, if the person trying to lose weight does not like to tabulate balance sheets, this is not a good choice for them. Many of these diets require you to carry around a reference book and become adept at estimating the quantity of consumption. Some of these weight loss programs have you converting or tallying points for both foods eaten and forms of exercise.

Again the dieter may need a cross-reference handy to ensure accuracy. Even the most dedicated person following their weight loss plan closely will likely forget to log every item. Using a system that necessitates the dieter knowing what their "outstanding balance" of remaining calories is can become tedious. Additionally, many of these dietary plans do not promote healthy eating. As long as the maximum calories or points are not exceeded, the dieter may consume any food in any combination. The South Beach Diet relies on knowing what foods are good for the body. Distinguishing the difference between four ounces or five ounces of chicken breast is inconsequential.

Meal replacement plans have been touted as successfully helping to shed pounds. If you are strict about adhering to this method, you will probably lose weight while on the dietary plan. Most diets of this type have the dieter mixing some sort of shake or beverage instead of a meal. There are protein-based versions and low-fat versions, and combination of both. Some of these weight loss programs recommend replacing two meals a day with a shake. The problem with a diet of this type is two-fold for most dieters. The first issue with this weight loss plan being the additional cost of the meal replacement product.

Once again, the person trying to lose weight must be willing to purchase the shake mix for an extended period of time. The second problem is that there is nothing for the dieter to chew. Medical studies have proven that the act of chewing is important in satiating the body. Specific to weight loss programs, foods that are chewed can stave off hunger for longer periods of time than liquid consumption. Following the South Beach Diet does not require replacing foodstuffs with a liquid regimen. The dieter can enjoy complete meals.

The best part about the South Beach Diet is that it can be followed anywhere, in any setting. Above and beyond the physical dietary requirements of a weight loss program, are the social aspects the diet affects. When a person is on a very restrictive diet, going out to dinner or dining at a friend's house can be awkward. Socializing often includes eating. When a weight loss plan and dieting impact your ability to relax in a social setting, you are doomed to failure.

The South Beach Diet is more about good food choices than anything else. It is about adopting a healthy eating regimen by learning what foods provide the optimum benefit for your body. A diet or weight loss program must be easy to incorporate into the dieter's daily routine to be successful. Many who have realized success in reaching their ideal weight have used the South Beach Diet for the myriad of reasons outlined here. Attaining the weight loss goal is the primary reason people start a new diet. With the South Beach Diet, you'll do more than succeed in losing the weight and keeping it off, you'll embark on a life full of healthy eating.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Why is Tea the Healthiest Beverage in the World Health Benefits of Loose Leaf Teas

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Why is Tea the Healthiest Beverage in the World Health Benefits of Loose Leaf Teas.

After long years of research western medicine discovered what eastern cultures knew for centuries - Tea is the healthiest beverage. There is nothing more satisfying for tea lovers, than to know that experts are supporting our believes.

Multiple publications of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information show that green tea has endless health benefits. The below list outlining health benefits of regular green tea drinking is based on range of studies that research health properties of green tea.

Green tea, when drunk regularly:

1. has fat-burning properties

Drinking green tea regularly promotes weight loss, especially when combined with increased physical activity and a healthy diet.

2. regulates blood glucose level in blood stream

3. lowers cholesterol level

It is proven that green tea lowers total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels and improves the ratio of HDL cholesterol to LDL cholesterol.

4. enhances mental performance

One of the important health benefits of regular green tea drinking is improved memory and learning ability.

5. provides protection against coronary artery disease

Japanese studies confirm that the more green tea people consume the less likely they are to have coronary artery disease.

6. reduces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract

Green tea was found to reduce inflammation by activating intracellular antioxidants.

7. improves bone mineral density

8. provides protection against cancer

As a rich source of polyphenols EGCG, green tea protects against cancer (particularly colon, lung and skin cancers)

9. protects the skin against the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, such as UV-induced sunburn, UV-induced immunosuppression and photoaging.

References: publications of the National Center of Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.

Green tea becomes more and more popular in western cultures. Experts believe that drinking minimum 2 cups of green teas everyday can help you achieve the health benefits outlined above. Eastern philosophers add that meditation over a cup of tea brings happiness and longevity. One is certain - drinking tea follows tested, traditional and natural approach to health and is far less risky than trying all the novelties of today's medicine.

But what exactly green tea is?

Green tea is the variety which keeps the original colour of the tea. Green Tea is believed to have the most medicinal values. It contains least caffeine of all Chinese tea classes. Since the leaves are not fermented, the taste is pleasantly fresh. Green teas present a broad range of flavour, from sweet and nutty to fruity and floral. The most famous teas in this groups are: Longjing tea of Zhejiang Province, Maofeng of Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Province and Biluochun produced in Jiangsu.

The health benefits of green tea are seemingly endless. It is a rich source of antioxidants - called polyphenols - which benefit health in many ways. Studies across the globe proved that Chinese Green Tea helps prevent cancer, aids in digestion, improves weight control and artery health. The ability of green tea to prevent cancer is so well established that new studies are testing green tea as potential cancer therapy.

Researchers have shown that green tea blocks the formation of certain tumours. Green tea also helps in reducing anxiety, while keeping highly alert state of mind, thanks to its high L-Theanine level. It supports metabolism and lowers blood sugar levels. Green tea is rich in catechins that effectively kill almost every kind of bacteria which cause food poisoning. It also inactivates the toxins that are produced by those bacteria. At the same time, it enhances the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract.

Although green tea seems to be the variety most popular in scientific research, other tea sorts also deserve our attention.

Black tea is known in China as "red tea" (hong cha) in reference to the colour of the infused liquid or to the red edges of the oxidized leaves. This category of tea is fermented before baking. Black teas are generally soft in flavour. The most famous teas in this groups are: Qihong of Anhui, Dianhong of Yunnan, Suhong of Jiangsu, Chuanhong of Sichuan and Huhong of Hunan.

Black tea helps to lower cholesterol and is good for the heart. Drinking black tea helps to prevent deadly clogging of arteries and reverses poor arterial functioning that can trigger heart attacks and strokes. Tea has long been tied to lower risk of stomach malfunctions, colon and breast cancer. Laboratory studies revealed that black tea may even stop cancer growth. Rutgers University researchers showed that a black tea compound called TF-2 caused colorectal cancer cells to "commit suicide" while normal cells were unaffected. Black tea can neutralize germs, including some that cause diarrhoea, pneumonia, cystitis and skin infections.

Pu-Erh (also written Puer, Pu-Er, Puerh) is a very special and unique style of tea. This type of post-fermented tea is processed using only sun-dried large-leaf tea leaves from certain areas. The best quality Pu-erh comes from the Yunnan province in South-Western China, including Xishuangbanna area, Simao and Pu-Er county.

Chinese Pu-erh Tea is the greatest tea mystery, famous for its health giving benefits, very low caffeine levels and rich, unique and comforting flavour. The secret resides in the aging process. Pu-erh is considered a special delicacy and an indispensable part of daily health care. Pu-Er tea is very good for digestive system (helps reduce body weight by increasing the metabolism), reduces cholesterol level in the blood stream, lowers blood alcohol after drinking, prevents dysentery, and stimulates secretions from the spleen and other organs.

Wulong (Oolong) tea represents a variety half way between green and black teas. It is prepared by allowing picked tea leaves to partially ferment before frying. Oolong is a full-bodied tea with a unique and highly enjoyable sweet-flowery character. It is a specialty of the provinces on China's southeast coast: Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan. Finest varieties are still handmade following the traditional manufacturing process.

Oolong tea enhances the function of fat metabolism, controlling obesity and even contributing to slimming. Oolong Tea may promote healthier and stronger bones, protecting people from such diseases as osteoporosis. As other tea varieties, Oolong can fight against tooth decay and can help prevent heart ailments.

White tea is the least processed of all the tea categories. It is merely withered and dried by steaming. White tea gets its designation from the fine, silvery white hairs found in the unopened buds of the camellia sinensis plant. White tea leaves have a striking appearance. They usually have a light silver colour. White teas are the rarest in the world, produced on a very limited scale in China. Traditionally plucked only at daybreak in four provinces, white tea is delicate and subtle treat for quiet moments. These teas are characterized by an extraordinary fresh fragrance that is both subtle and sweet. The aroma is delightfully gentle with a mellow taste. Well-known varieties include "Silver Needle" and "White Peony".

White teas are greater source of antioxidants than any other teas. They can lower blood pressure and improve the function of the arteries. They promote strong bones. White Tea helps in protecting the skin from damage and may even reverse some of the damage caused by free radicals. It has great anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial effects. This group of tea is even more effective than green tea in killing germs. White tea extracts are used in many kinds of tooth-pastes to enhance their anti-bacterial effects. White Tea may reduce blood sugar and help alleviate the symptoms of diabetes.

Herbal teas (also known as a tisane or herbal infusion) contain just herbs or combine herbs with regular tea leaves. Herbal teas are made using scientific technology based on ancient prescriptions by Chinese medicine masters. They have already won many faithful customers around the world due to their reliable qualities and effective function.

When infusing a teaspoon of herbs such as mint, tulsi, ginger, chamomile, jasmine (and many others), their medicinal properties seep into the water giving drinkers the desired effect. Depending on herbs used, it may be laxative, curative, refreshing, sedative or antacid in nature.

Blends It is possible to combine the positive characters of different teas by blending. Tea traders blend teas of different crops or even origins to maintain flavour, aroma, character and price of tea over longer periods of time. English Breakfast is one of the most recognized blends available on the market.

Whichever tea variety is your favourite, remember that it is important to choose only the fresh, good quality tea. Loose leaf tea, containing whole leaves and buds seems to be more effective than tea bags containing fanning of bigger, less fresh leaves.

And remember - tea is there to enjoy it! Enjoy it first ad treat health benefits as a side effect.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Why is Belly Fat Hard to Lose

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Why is Belly Fat Hard to Lose.

To be brutally honest, the thing that makes belly fat hard to lose is the thing that put it there in the first place - the lifestyle of the person with the fat belly! You've grown a fat belly through over eating, exercising too little, and drinking too much. It's called a "Beer Belly" for a reason. I'm sorry if that sounds too direct, and perhaps a little unfair, but it's true. So to lose your belly fat, you have to lose your current lifestyle, especially where food, drink and exercise are concerned. So what can you do?

It's probably fair to say that if you're trying to lose your belly fat, then you are unlikely to be the sort of person who runs ten miles a day and lives on lettuce and carrot juice! And you won't turn into that sort of person overnight. That's rule number one - you WON'T get rid of belly fat quickly. Think about how long it took you to cultivate your impressive girth - several years, not a couple of months.

Rule number two is, no matter how hard you try, you won't change from a big bellied beer drinker to a slim salad lover in a few weeks. The shock to your system, both physically and mentally, will be too much, and you're almost certain to give up.

Make no mistake, belly fat's hard to lose, but it can be done if you adjust your eating, drinking and exercising habits slowly but surely over a longer period of time, at least six months. You'll probably see improvements in your general health and fitness much sooner than you lose your belly, but the weight loss will follow if you're determined and consistent.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Who Says Fat Is Bad For You

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Who Says Fat Is Bad For You.

It is not the fat; it is the carbohydrates that cause overweight.

Refined carbohydrates convert very quickly to sugar. The quantity of carbohydrates that is not burned immediately is stored as fat by the body. The irony is that people belief that fat is the culprit, while in reality; carbs cause the triglycerides and cholesterol count to go up. Carbs are stored as fat and fat is burned as energy. If no fat

whatsoever is taken in it could be fatal; certain fatty acids are essential for living.

To illustrate how harmful carbohydrates can be, let us look at the following features.

If a high carb diet is followed, there are two things that happens: As is usual, the carbs turn into fat with the resultant fat gain if not all is burned as energy. A much-overlooked aspect of high carb eating is that carbs are the favourite food of fungi. Naturopaths belief that more illness is caused by fungi overgrowth in the intestines than what is caused by eating meat.

Under normal eating circumstances, the fungi that we take in regularly with our carbs are killed in the stomach by the hydrochloric acid. However gorging and guzzling can cause the stomach to be so overloaded that the hydrochloric acid can't do its job in this regard. It appears that once in the intestinal tract the fungi cause or accelerate aging, arthritis and cancer. Similarly is evidence available which suggest that many infectious diseases and major bacterial infections are preceded by fungal activity in the intestines.

The immune system is weakened by fungi overgrowth and promotes bacterial infection. Of course, fungi in the gut can also be attributed to other factors,

one of which is a condition called hypochlorhydria. It is a shortage of sufficient stomach acid caused by a deficient production of hydrochloric acid. Whatever the case may be, the fact is that in the latter instance, the fungi just have a better chance of escaping into the intestines. Those who love their high carb diets might want to consult with a naturopath or personal medical consultant if they suspect this to be their problem.

Here are some tips to avoid the maladies caused by fungi. Avoid non-sprouted seeds and nuts; take in carbs by means of vegetables and fruits instead of refined carbs. Floss teeth regularly and scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper at least twice a day. The mouth is a nice place for fungi to flourish, hence plaque.

Does this mean that we should embark on a fat eating spree? By no means, but you can take in a healthy quantity of fat from vegetables also; eat lean meat as it contains enough fat. Some people can eat great quantities of fat and nothing serious seems to happen to them. It you are a fat lover; beware, apart from having pungent gas explosions that alienates your family members, you run a definite risk of colon cancer.

If you love fatty foods, see that you always take a full-bodied dry red wine with your meat. The Ruby Cabernet that the Americans love so much does not do the trick quite as well as is done by Cabernet Sauvignon or Shiraz. Cheaper wines like Merlot and Cinsaut achieve the same. Remember, the sweater wines tend to encourage the liver to produce more cholesterol of the LDL type. A meat lover should therefore always see that a full-bodied dry red wine is at hand.

Please always remember that different kinds of diets do not always agree with everybody. Consult a doctor or nutrutionist before embarking on RIGOROUS dieting.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

White Bean Extract - Block Starches and Carbs!

Food Lovers Fat Loss System White Bean Extract - Block Starches and Carbs!.

Cakes, cookies and candy...those delightful delicacies that we love, yet know are so unhealthy. Full of empty calories and packed with sugar, eat one and gain a pound. Sugar we know, we recognize, and most of us have a love/hate relationship with it.

But eating food with sugar added is not the only source of "sugar" we need to pay attention to.

Bread, pasta, and potatoes (just to name a few) become a "sugar" when digested. Yes, sugar! Our digestive system breaks sugar and starchy foods (carbohydrates) into glucose (sugar) within minutes of consumption; unfortunately, when broken down quickly, the sugar gets into the blood stream. This increases blood sugar levels and is eventually stored as fat. While carbohydrates are the main fuel for our vital organs, too many "carbs" in our diet can lead to weight gain and increased body fat.

Focus on food choices that are slower to digest; good carbs that have more fiber and complex carbohydrates. While all carbohydrates are easily digested, complex carbohydrates take longer to breakdown than simple carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates include: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, bread, cereal, carrots, rice, potatoes, dry beans and corn; while simple carbohydrates include: candy, ice cream, cookies and other sweets. Choosing complex carbs over simple carbs can prevent sugar/glucose from being quickly absorbed into the blood stream. Ideally, absorption will not occur until the food has passed through the stomach and into the intestines; limiting absorption into the blood stream (which elevates blood sugar) and eventually being stored as fat. A lower carb intake will force the body to use its stored fat for energy.

While adjusting your diet to limit your carbohydrate intake is the best choice, most of us are guilty of splurging, occasionally or even daily. Researchers have discovered a possible solution for the "starch lover" in all of us! Recent studies revealed an extract in white kidney beans can actually neutralize the enzyme Alpha amylase. During digestion, the release of Alpha amylase is necessary for the break down and conversion of starch into sugar. This amazing white bean extract blocks Alpha amylase, thus preventing the rapid breakdown of carbs into sugar. Basically, the starches and carbs are allowed to pass through your system without being absorbed into the blood stream, affecting blood sugar levels and eventually being stored as fat. Losing weight and taking control of your health is easier with this phenomenal medical breakthrough!

As with any supplement, if you have medical issues or health concerns, please consult with your physician. For more information about , please visit our website.'s your life...your well!

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Whats All the Buzz About Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Whats All the Buzz About Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements.

The American Heart Association states that omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart of healthy people, and those at high risk of or who have cardiovascular disease.

They recommend eating fish (particularly fatty fish) at least two times a week. Fish is a good source of protein and doesn't have the high saturated fat that fatty meat products do. Fatty fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

A recent article in Forbes Magazine (September 7, 2009) gives evidence that the omega- 3 fatty acids found in fish oil wards off cardiovascular diseases. It states that this is "one supplement that works."

An enormous amount of medical literature testifies to the fact that omega-3s prevent and help improve or reverse atherosclerosis, heart attack, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, stroke and vascular disease. Omega-3 essential fatty acids also help maintain the elasticity of artery walls, prevent blood clotting, reduce blood pressure and stabilize heart rhythm.*

Unfortunately not everyone likes or can afford salmon and other fishes high in omega-3. That is why fish oil has become a multi-million dollar business. If you are one of these who does not consume fish at least twice a week, a supplement may be the answer for you.

All omega-3 fatty acids are not created equal. Some do not contain the recommended amounts of DHA and EPA. Getting the recommended dose of 1 gram of EPA and DHA a day can be difficult, even for fish-lovers, says Charles Santerre, PhD, an associate professor at Purdue University and a Food Science Communicator for the Institute of Food Technologists in Chicago.

"Even eating some of the best fish sources for EPA/DHA, you still would need to take a supplement," Dr. Santerre says. "Nutritionists prefer that people eat a natural healthy diet to obtain nutrients, but sometimes you can't get what you need from diet alone."

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians approximately 1 g per day of EPA acid plus DHA acid is recommended for heart protection. Higher dosages of omega-3 fatty acids are required to reduce elevated triglyceride levels (2 to 4 g per day) and to reduce morning stiffness and the number of tender joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (at least 3 g per day). Modest decreases in blood pressure occur with significantly higher dosages of omega-3 fatty acids. (Am Fam Physician 2004;70:133-40..).

Ultra- Omega-3 provides all the benefits of a supplement and provides additional benefits such as

* Protects heart and arteries

* Lowers bad cholesterol

* Regulates brain and nerve function

* Supports the immune system

* Fights memory loss and depression

* Increases metabolism

* Provides natural fat-burners

* Improves skin and hair, and much more*

The American Heart Association recommends fish oil capsules for those who do not eat enough fish. If you are one of those people you should consider the Ultra-Omega-3 made by Altrum.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

What Is Oolong Tea And Why Should You Drink It

Food Lovers Fat Loss System What Is Oolong Tea And Why Should You Drink It.

Tea culture is full of fascinating facts about the humble but powerful tea leaf. From black tea to green tea to white tea, faithful consumers of the ancient beverage can name a whole list of health benefits associated with tea.

It's common knowledge these days that adding tea to your regular diet can greatly improve your health in many ways. Most people tend to drink black tea for everyday consumption or green tea for its specific health benefits. But oolong tea is a step between the two.

What is oolong tea and what can it do for you? Oolong is fermented longer than green tea, but not as long as black tea. The result is a tasty and healthy beverage that retains many of the health benefits of green tea.

Specifically, oolong tea is prized for its ability to help dieters shed weight. Its weight-loss properties are thought to be more powerful than those of green tea and far more powerful than black tea. Below are just a few of the reported health benefits of this ancient healthy beverage.

Slowing of the Aging Process

The high levels of polyphenols in oolong tea help slow down the aging process of the skin and organs. Polyphenols fight free radicals, which can cause unwanted pigmentation and liver spots on the skin. Free radicals also cause wrinkles and other skin problems.

Free radicals are additionally responsible for other conditions, such as cancer and heart disease. A diet including oolong tea and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables can help to counteract the effects of free radicals. Within just a month of starting a daily oolong-drinking regimen, you may notice an improvement in your skin.

Improved Teeth Health

The polyphenols in oolong also kill bacteria in the mouth. Oolong tea drinkers may notice a decrease in cavities and gum disease. Drinking oolong tea following oral surgery may help to speed up healing time.

A Smaller Waistline

Although it is still being studied, the weight loss power of oolong has been in the spotlight for quite some time. It is said to be one of the most powerful natural fat-fighters available today. Numerous celebrities have stepped forward to offer their endorsement of this healthy beverage.

Polyphenols are also to thank for this health benefit. They are said to increase the enzyme that dissolves fatty deposits in the body. Oolong tea may actually help the body metabolize fat in a more effective way, resulting in a sleeker silhouette for those who drink it regularly.

A Stronger Immune System

In tea-drinking cultures, such as in China and Japan, the overall incidence of disease seems to be much lower than ours in Western cultures. While part of the low disease occurrence is due to a healthy diet rich in whole foods, tea may also play a part. Oolong tea has been said to boost the body's power to fight off illnesses. In fact, all teas have been said to carry this benefit for the regular drinker.

If you're worried about the taste of this healthy hybrid tea, rest assured that you won't be disappointed. Oolong tea lacks the heady vegetable flavor of green tea, but is not quite as strong as black tea. Rather, it combines a somewhat bitter taste with a sweet aftertaste. The result is a flavor that is completely unique to oolong.

Like other types of teas, oolong can be consumed hot or iced. Iced oolong tea is a wonderful treat on a hot summer day. A steamy cup of hot oolong tea is a comforting, lower-caffeine substitute for coffee on a chilly morning.

With all these health benefits and an appealing taste, it's easy to see why oolong tea is gaining popularity. While it still accounts for only about two percent of tea consumption worldwide, oolong is quickly becoming a favorite among dieters and health-conscious tea lovers everywhere.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

What is a Raw Food Diet - From a Raw Nurse!

Food Lovers Fat Loss System What is a Raw Food Diet - From a Raw Nurse!.

Are you wondering what a raw food diet is? Before I started eating raw foods many years ago, I had never heard of it. It's a vegan and vegetarian diet that consists of raw, unprocessed, living foods - foods that are alive. These are plant foods such as fruit and vegetables, herbs, nuts and seeds along with dried raw nori or seaweed and sprouts. A living food diet is the healthiest diet on the planet. Animals never cook their food and we shouldn't either. However that's how most of us were brought up and it can be hard to change from our established diet. However many have done it including me.

The health benefits of a raw food diet are many. There is a natural weight loss that goes on when one is eating raw foods. There is much increased energy and lack of fatigue, better digestion, healthier looking skin, hair stops falling out and gray hair seems to be delayed. There is a much lower risk of heart disease because one is no longer eating animal foods such as meat, eggs, cheese and dairy - foods that help contribute to a build-up of plaque in the arteries leading to myocardial infarctions - the medical term for heart attacks.

There are no trans fats or animal saturated fats in this vegan diet. It's high in many good minerals and trace minerals including potassium, and magnesium. It's low in sodium too. You get a lot of folate, fiber and phytonutrients, which are also called phytochemicals that help to boost the immune system. Digestive issues seem to melt away when eating living food. Heartburn, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, excessive gas and bloating are eliminated. Constipation and diarrhea are a thing of the past. Elimination is easy and natural.

This raw food diet is the best way to lose weight and is a natural detox and cleanse, cleansing your colon and liver, making their work much easier and giving you more energy because the body is not working hard to digest meat and cooked food that doesn't have the enzymes to digest it, having been altered during cooking.

Although fruits and veggies contain a lot of water make sure to drink plenty of pure or spring water throughout the day.

Even some celebrities are lovers of raw foods including Woody Harrelson, Carol Alt and Alicia Silverstone.

Why not give a raw food diet a try. You can make up your own diet plan and get raw cookbooks or uncookbooks as we call them, and whip up some easy, organic, gourmet raw recipes. You can make raw crackers, smoothies, cookies, pies and all sorts of desserts too and every bite is healthy.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

What Fat Loss System Product Is Right for Me

Food Lovers Fat Loss System What Fat Loss System Product Is Right for Me.

The market is teeming with numerous techniques and processes that will make you lose weight as quickly as possible. Natural methods of high-protein intakes to the proven diet medications of the Alli Pills are offered with features to melt away those heavy pounds fast and easy. The Pill is a trustworthy medicine that is approved by the United States Food and Drugs Administration. In fact, the fat removal medicines can be bought over the counter at any pharmacy within your area. This is an anti-obesity wonder drug that is similar to the effects of the Xenical drug.

This type of medication fat loss system works even better with light exercise and proper dieting programs. However, certain side effects such as increased flatulence and frequent discharge as the fats are reduced in the body. The pills are safe to use considering the fact that these are offered over the counter in drugstores nationwide. Perhaps the most notable side effect is the embarrassing moments when you will be unable to control bowel movements during the first few days of use. Regardless of which, the medication is considered as one of the most powerful weight loss pills in the market today.

Another popular fat loss system offered in the market is the Food Lovers Program. As in all the diet processes, this is a weight reduction method that was created by Robert Ferguson. Boasting of letting you enjoy your favorite dishes and still get to lose the excess pounds, it is done with two phases. The first for which will complete in 21 days and the second for 28 days. The program strives to correct the notion that it is not what you eat that increases your body mass but rather how you eat your food. The basic kit is composed of tools that will help you on your journey to reducing your weight.

Other fat loss system products are offered in the market. Each of them is boasting of procedures that will let you enjoy the way you eat and exercise. All these methods are offered at special rates and can be downloaded online. Regardless, it is essential that your chosen diet products must align with your own goals and objectives. Do not assume that you will get that desired pounds off your body in just a few days. Try not to focus too much on weight reduction by rather on realizing that going thin is a healthy and active way to live.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

What Can I Give My Dog for Diarrhea - 3 Important Things to Take Note Of

Food Lovers Fat Loss System What Can I Give My Dog for Diarrhea - 3 Important Things to Take Note Of.

As a pet lover especially for the domesticated canine, you should make sure that everything is taken care for not just its food or shelter, but even its personal hygiene and health should be a great concern too. What more if your favorite dog is sick? Diarrhea is one of the most common sickness affecting not just humans but dogs as well. Once your pet is affected, you will surely ask yourself: "What can I give my dog for diarrhea?"

First thing, you should understand is that dog diarrhea is not merely a disease but rather a symptom that something is wrong with your dog's stomach and intestines. Dog diarrhea could last for a couple of days or weeks, thus, this case is acute. Several reasons for this, aside from eating spoiled food or not food at all, include sudden change in diet, food allergy, and presence of parasite or bacterial/viral infection. If your dog is only exhibiting frequent loose bowel motion there is probably no cause for immediate alarm and you can treat it at home by giving the right kind of food, which are the following:

1. Since the stomach and intestines are affected with dog diarrhea, the treatment should focus on stabilizing the two organs. This can be attained by restraining food intake for about a day or half. This will result to a physiologic rest that will cure your dog's stomach especially on the intestines as it gives enough moments for the healing of the stomachs and intestine's tract lining.

2. After a day, you can start giving your dog a bland and low fat diet gradually. Give this in small amount but in frequent intervals to boost your dog's digestive system. Example of these diets includes food such as boiled rice with chicken or fish. And do not put any flavorings, butter or oil.

3. In order to prevent dehydration brought by the excessive loss of fluids, immediate replacement along with the right kind food should be done. This is through giving your dog sufficient amount of fluids such as fresh water and oral dehydrating solutions. Aside from fighting dehydration, the acid and base balance is also restored as the fluids replace the lost electrolytes.

Now you don't have to ask yourself the same question: "What can I give my dog for diarrhea?" Surely, you can immediately give relief to your canine pet with less worries and expenses.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

What are My Dieting Options

Food Lovers Fat Loss System What are My Dieting Options.

There's an old saying, and for your animal lovers please forgive the expression, there's more than one way to skin a cat. Well, that saying is also quite true when it comes to losing weight. So please let me start off by saying that in this article, I am neither endorsing or condemning any of these methods for losing weight. I am simply pointing out what your options are. Hopefully, after reading this, you'll have enough information to make an informed decision regarding what weight loss method you choose to follow.

The most common way for people to lose weight is by simple dieting. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as you'd like to think mainly because there are so many different diets out there. Each one has its own method of going about losing the weight. For example, you have the weight watchers point system diet. Each food gets a certain number of points assigned to it. Based on your current weight and what your goal weight is, you're to eat a certain number of points each day and no more. It sounds easy, until you see how many points you're allowed and how many you get hit with just from eating a tablespoon of peanut butter.

The next most common way for people to lose weight is through exercise programs. Believe me, there are more exercise programs than Carter has liver pills. You've got everything from yoga class to getting your own treadmill and throwing it in the basement. The primary goal of all these exercise programs is to burn off those extra calories that you took in when you pigged out on that hot fudge sundae the other night. Of course, if you ever took a look at how few calories were actually burned for an hour's workout, you'd ultimately realize that you'd have to do a ton of exercising to lose any significant amount of weight.

The last method of losing weight, and one that many people seem to turn to when all else fails, is taking diet pills. A lot of people wonder what it is about these pills that makes it so that people lose weight. Contrary to what some people believe, that these pills actually burn away the fat, what they actually do is suppress a person's appetite. I'm not going to get into all the technical mumbo jumbo about how diet pills actually work. The end result is simple. You take the diet pill and you don't feel like eating as much and THAT is how you lose the weight. As I said up top, I'm not going to get into the good and bad of each method, but diet pills can be dangerous if not used properly. So if you're going to opt for this method, which most people do when all else fails, consult with your doctor first.

In our final instalment of this series, we're going to wrap things up with some tips for coming up with a diet and a few more odds and ends that you should be aware of when dieting.

See you then.


Karl Warren

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss Without Diet

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss Without Diet.

How many times have you tried a diet? I don't remember how many ways of losing weight I have struggled with. As a "normal" woman I have attempted to lose weight for long periods during the 47 years of my life. Unfortunately I don't belong to the people gifted with a metabolism which allows them to eat anything without gaining weight. Whenever I indulge in food and drink, my body dutifully converts any extra calories into fat. However - and here is the good news - over the years I have successfully managed my weight. I am 1,75 meters tall and weigh around 60 kilograms (for the US this would be 5 feet 9 inches and 132 pounds). If I can do it, you can do it, too. My secret: Forget all diets and satisfy your body and soul.

My qualification: You might ask about my qualification to write about the subject "weight loss without diet": I am not an expert on nutrition. But I have worked a decade as a professional journalist for newspaper and radio in Germany and thus I am schooled in gathering and processing information.

Furthermore I have struggled with weight issues for many years. Growing up I went through a two year long phase of "Anorexia nervosa", although at this point in time I was not properly diagnosed and treated as such. Luckily it did not last too long. When I got divorced at 29 years of age my eating disorder resurfaced with binge eating. This time I received psychotherapy which helped a lot.

Hence, from a layperson's point of view I dare state the following:

Diets only make you fat.

Of course there are exceptions: If you are superrich and can afford your own personal chef or your own personal diet caterer, this statement might not apply to you. For the average person however following a diet is too restrictive to ever be successful for a long period of time. Who wants to weight every bit and piece before eating? Who wants to eat exactly what a diet tells you? A diet leaves no room for urges or cravings or appetites, thus a diet gives us a constant feeling of dissatisfaction and restraint.

I strongly believe that only a satisfied, well nourished body can be a slim body. Our bodies express their needs in cravings. When the thought of a strawberry makes my mouth water, I guess, my body needs a strawberry and only a strawberry will bring me the full extent of satisfaction which leaves me feeling round and well.

When you follow a diet your body gets used to a low calorie intake. Once you start to eat normal again, your body happily packs on the pounds and all your effort is lost. This is especially true for any kind of fasting or crash diet: One time I fasted completely for three weeks and lost all the weight I wanted to lose. My slim body however lasted only one week. When I started to eat again, my body jumped on all the calories it had been denied - a very frustrating experience, not to mention the exhausting mental struggle to refrain from eating for three weeks.

According to my experience, before losing any extra pounds you have to understand the reason why your body looks like it does.

Reasons for overweight:

There are many reasons for overweight, but I dare say: Most of the excess kilos we carry around are rooted in our psyche. When we take life too heavy we tend to pile on the pounds. Do you load too much responsibility on your shoulders? Do you always want to do more than you possibly can? Or do you suffer from depression without realizing it?

If we really want to change our weight we have to search inside ourselves. Maybe you have just enjoyed the culinary pleasures of life too much and thus put on some extra kilos. On the other hand, why do you need to comfort yourself with food or drink?

Now this may sound obvious and like pseudo-psychology but I have been there and I know what I am talking about. If you are seriously struggling with your weight for many years (never mind if you are really overweight or not) you should seek the help of a good psychotherapist or get psychological help in any way available. The sympathetic ear of a friend cannot be underestimated.

Only when you discover what really makes you fat you will be able to lose weight.

I further believe one major reason for piling up the pounds is the copious amounts of chemicals which are mixed into the modern food. First of all there are the various glucose and malt syrups which go directly from your mouth into your blood and from there to your hips.

Then there are all the preservatives which cause havoc in the digestive system. Just think about the nature of a preservative: Its function is keeping food from being spoilt by bacteria. Unfortunately our digestive system works with the help of bacteria as well. I cannot imagine that food swamped with preservatives can be easily digested or provide enough nutrients for our bodies.

When you enjoy eating out too much you tend to consume a lot of unhealthy fats. Did you ever check which kind of oil a restaurant kitchen is using? I dare state that any person who wants to stay healthy should not consume restaurant or fast food on a daily basis.

Another reason for overweight may be an undetected yeast infection of the digestive system. Yeast infections are widely spread nowadays and you can catch them easily in any public place. They are very difficult to get rid off. Candida albicans tends to invade the digestive tract and absorb nutrition from the food we eat. The result can be frequent food cravings and binge eating.

How to stay slim or lose weight: Having stated this, let me show you how I keep my weight without diet - and I love to eat and drink. To all the people who claim there are foods which make you slim I would like to affirm the following (of course it is difficult to gain weight eating only leafy vegetables or green beans, but who wants to live like that?):

Only the food that does not enter into your mouth does not make you fat.

If you want to lose weight, reduce the size of the portions you eat - but don't deny yourself anything. Give in to your appetites and cravings, be it chocolate pie or French fries. Just don't eat too much of these sinful delights. Stop after a small piece of pie or a few French fries. Our stomachs are creatures of habit: Once they are used to smaller portions, you will feel satisfied with less. Permanent weight loss is always a slow process so you should be prepared to eat less for a long period of time.

1. Exercise. When people ask me how I manage to stay slim over the years I answer: I don't eat too much and I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. There is absolutely no substitute for exercise. Our bodies need to move to function well. Exercise raises the heart rate, which brings more blood and nourishment to our cells. Our metabolism and hormone production improve with exercise. After a good workout you feel well and relaxed. It does not matter what kind of exercise you do, the important thing is to move your body and to get your heart pumping. I have never considered myself a sportive person but I enjoy sweating in the gym because I feel so good afterwards. Fortunately exercise is very addictive: Once you are hooked to the great feeling after a workout, you start to take pleasure in it.

2. The magic of love: Falling in love is the easiest way to lose weight. When we fall in love normally we lose some kilograms without even noticing. Unfortunately this way of losing weight cannot be programmed though you can work on falling in love with yourself. When was the last time you pampered yourself? When was the last time you told yourself how lovable you are? Do you ever look at your bare breasts and tell yourself how beautiful you are? Remember: Sex is one of the best exercises for keeping you slim and trim. If you are lucky enough to live with a spouse try everything you can to spice up your sex life. There are numerous publications available, just check out what works for you. If you are alone, there is no reason to despair. Sexual activity with your own self can be a joyful and slimming exercise, any time, any place. Be your own best friend and lover - you know best, what turns you on.

3. Avoid sugar and empty carbohydrates: Sugar, white flour, rice and other cereals without the natural fiber go directly from your stomach into your blood. They raise blood sugar levels giving you a boost until the sugar is used up and you experience a drop of energy. Then you need some more sugar to give you another boost. A diet rich in sugar and empty carbohydrates keeps you eating all day long without ever feeling really full and satisfied. Of course the occasional ice cream, cookie or pie belongs to the pleasures of life which should be appreciated - but not regarded as a normal part of a healthy diet.

4. Eat plenty of fiber and drink plenty of water: This keeps your digestion going in combination with exercise. When you eat enough fiber and drink water at the same time you will never complain about constipation. Healthy bowel movements are absolutely necessary to feel well. If your food remains too much time in your body, waste accumulates. Don't forget to drink water when eating fiber: Fiber without liquid tends to clot your digestive system.

5. Take lactobacillus: The bacteria in your intestines help to break down the food and nourish your body so it does not need to accumulate fat. If you take lactobacillus in one form or another every day, you will rarely complain about bloating or excessive gas. Lactobacillus is available in many forms nowadays and I find it extremely helpful with all kinds of ailments. If you don't like to eat curd or other milk products, take capsules.

6. Avoid huge meals: Of course it is nice to enjoy a five or six course meal occasionally when celebrating or just when you feel like it. What would be life without indulgences? However, on a daily basis it is better to keep your meals small and eat more frequently. Spread your calorie intake over the day and don't eat too late.

7. Avoid hunger pangs: Keep on eating, don't wait until you are starving. When your stomach is grumbling and you really need something to eat you tend to eat too much too quickly. Our brain needs around 20 minutes to register that we have filled our stomachs, that's why it helps to eat slowly and chew carefully.

8. Satisfy cravings: When something is making your mouth water, try to fulfill this desire. Your body is telling you what it needs. Cravings are one of the ways our bodies express themselves. As mentioned before: If you feel like eating a strawberry (or a chocolate bar or hot dogs) by all means, follow your craving.

9. Vitamins and minerals: Make sure that you get enough vitamins and minerals by taking supplements according to your doctor's advice.

10. Finally the obvious: Don't drink too much alcohol; eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and sleep enough. If you cannot sleep properly, feel fatigued or unhappy you might suffer from depression and/or hormonal imbalance. Go to your doctor and get help. Research online about your symptoms and ask your doctor about them.

The author has dedicated a website to tips and recipes for healthy living: 'Kornelia's Kitchen', .

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss With Little Effort

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss With Little Effort.

Weight loss is one of the hottest topics today, with solutions coming in big diet plans, meal replacements, and pills. But are these high-profile fixes really effective? The problem with them is that, even if they do work, they're only going to do you good as long as you stick with them. - And seeing as how they are all either expensive or require an incredible amount of discipline, you aren't really likely to make them a lifelong habit.

There are numerous other ways to lose weight that, while the results may not be mind boggling or very fast, are very simple and easy to implement into your normal, everyday routine. The key here is to keep things as simple as possible. - To change all of the small things we do that put unnecessary weight on. You may be surprised to hear that when it comes to weight loss, a lot of times it's all the little things that really sabotage our plans. Fortunately, these little things are also the easiest to overcome! Here we're going to address two easy things you can do to start losing weight and make sure you keep it off!

The very first thing we have to do is to build up at least a small amount of body muscle. Muscle burns quite a few times more calories at rest than fat does. This is important because this is a key factor in determining your metabolism. If you have ten pounds of muscle, for example, then you are constantly throughout the day burning many, many more calories than you would if you were having to support ten pounds of fat. The easy way to get this muscle: go for low-key, toning exercises. Try things like Pilates, maybe sit-ups or push-ups. Do things that don't take much time, and can be easily introduced into your schedule. Also, make sure to walk as much as you can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a little further form the grocery store. These are all great ways to burn some calories, but more importantly, you're slowly building muscle mass, which will burn calories for you.

Finally, we need to look at food intake. As a lover of food myself, I know how easy it is to have something really good in the kitchen that you just have to eat even if you aren't hungry. This is nice, but it's not very good for you, and if you're trying to lose weight, is a no-no. Don't immediately turn off from snacks - just try to say no to them a little at a time, and work yourself up. A big help can be to either stop purchasing these items at the store so that they can't tempt you, or to buy healthier alternatives so that, if you do just need a snack, it's one that's good for you. Also, avoid grocery shopping when you're hungry - you won't be able to resist those delicious foods that will kill you later! Eat good meals, but don't overdo them. You would probably be surprised at how many weight problems originate from a person simply stuffing themselves too much at each meal.

These tips aren't going to cause the weight to melt off of you in the first few days, but rest assured that they will work. The important note to consider is that these are things that are simple to incorporate into your lifestyle so that you won't ever have to worry about your weight becoming an issue again in the future. The advantage in this small-step system is that not only can anyone start it, you also have the power to determine how far you want to take it. If you want to lose just a few pounds, or if you want to seriously tone down, the choice is yours.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss Tips - Three Foods You Must Avoid Like The Plague

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss Tips - Three Foods You Must Avoid Like The Plague.

You're about to discover three types of food that you should avoid like the plague, unless you really like putting on weight. So here they are...

1. Hydrogenated Oils (Trans Fats) and Partially Hydrogenated Oils

The process of hydrogenation started in the 1950s to extend packed food shelf life. Hydrogenation is the process of heating oil and passing hydrogen bubbles through it. The fatty acids in the oil then acquire some of the hydrogen, which makes it denser.

If you fully hydrogenate, you create a solid (a fat) out of the oil. But if you stop part way, you get a semi-solid partially hydrogenated oil that has a consistency like butter, but much cheaper. These fats also called, trans-fats, disguise themselves as regular fats, and build up in your arteries.

The difference is that they don't do the same job as the regular fats in your body do, so instead of escorting poisons and toxins to your liver and protecting your body, they hang around, build on your arteries and cause heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Trans-fats are poisons. They interfere with the metabolic process by taking the place of a natural substance (good fats) that performs a critical function.

Your body has no defense against them. And get this... Many European countries have either BANNED or have set dates for ELIMINATION of hydrogenated oils in foods! Hydrogenated oils are found in almost all packaged foods. Take a look at the ingredients the next time you are at the grocery store and you will see just how prevalent these are in the foods you eat.

2. Coffee

Cringe.... Yes, coffee contains caffeine--a diuretic--that increases the frequency of urination which causes dehydration. It keeps you awake, elevates your heart rate, blood pressure and increases the secretion of acid into your stomach... blah, blah, blah. What concerns me most is that coffee puts stress on your adrenal system. This translates to more stress. Aren't you under enough stress already?

Coffee drinkers tend to use the drink as a pick-me-up, but what happens is that it becomes a drag-me-down, because the body, while it experiences a short caffeine buzz, drops to a lower energy level when the high wears off. At this lover level, you're not only feeling down, but you're burning your sugar stores. This creates sugar cravings.

3. Soda

Soda is simply sugar. I can't tell you how many people I've known who quit drinking soda shed a bunch of weight. I don't mean 1-2 pounds, I mean 10-15. There are 250 calories in a 20-oz bottle of Coke. Not to mention there is caffeine! Take the effects of caffeine and add them to a sugar overload and you have one unhealthy body. Do you drink soda and coffee?!

If so, and you want more energy, I will tell you right now that dropping those two poisonous habits will improve your daily stamina by 100%! So keep that in mind when you're trying to lose weight.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss Surgery Successful Patients Embrace Four Stages of Growth

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss Surgery Successful Patients Embrace Four Stages of Growth.

Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) is often viewed as a quick fix for morbid obesity. One day a person is fat, the next they are not. While it may appear to onlookers that a gastric bypass patient is losing the weight without personal struggle or effort, this really isn't true. WLS patients must follow four rules for success and they experience four phases of growth following surgery.

The four rules for successful weight loss and long-term weight maintenance are: Eat protein first; No snacking, Drink lots of water and Exercise daily. Adherence to these rules moves the patient smoothly through the four stages of bariatric growth which I define as: Conception, Infancy, Adolescence and Maturity.

Conception begins when patients consider surgery as a treatment for morbid obesity. It could be prompted by a life threatening illness such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol, asthma, heartburn or sleep apnea. Or perhaps lifestyle prompts it - a person may lack the energy to play with their children or pursue the activities they love. Maybe self-esteem is so low because of obesity that a drastic measure - surgery - is needed to restore a sense of self-worth.

Conception is followed by birth, an event left entirely to a carefully selected surgeon and staff of healthcare professionals. The surgeon partitions off most of the stomach creating a pocket or pouch that will hold one ounce of food. In most gastric bypass surgeries the digestive system is re-routed to bypass the intestine and shortcut to the bowel. This prevents too many calories from being absorbed and stored by the body in the form of fat. The patient wakes from the surgery a bariatric infant.

Infancy On the second day of my WLS infancy my surgeon stood at my hospital bedside and showed me a cup, the size in which sacramental communion is offered and he said "This is the size of your stomach now."

Just like bringing a newborn home from the hospital the bariatric patient brings home a tiny newborn tummy that has all kinds of requirements and restrictions. This new tiny tummy is completely foreign to the behaviors and habits that caused obesity. There is not one single thing an obese person has done in the past that they can continue doing. Patients who strictly follow the four rules quickly become acquainted with their new tiny tummy. This is the time of rapid weight loss. For the first time most morbidly obese patients are consistently losing lots of weight, something they have never experienced before. Infancy for most bariatric patients lasts from nine to 18 months.

Similar to parents of a firstborn child who focus completely on their new baby, during bariatric infancy patients completely focus on their new tiny tummy. Then one day, without fanfare, they wake up and rediscover themselves. They enter adolescence.

Adolescence Adolescence is the stage when patients test the system. Many patients don't dump, vomit, snack or eat the forbidden foods until they reach adolescence. But once they approach or reach target weight a mental bad boy shows up in a shiny black corvette saying take a ride on the wild side. So a patient jumps in the bad boy's fast ride and speeds down a dangerous road. They break the rules! Perhaps they eat sugar which results in a blood sugar imbalance called "dumping" or they may stuff themselves with starchy carbs causing vomiting. In the worst case, a patient returns to snacking, a little treat of hard candy here and a handful of popcorn there. Mark my words, nothing stops-short weight loss or maintenance more quickly than a little bit of rule breaking. But like any teenager, we all have to learn it on our own.

The good news: the duration of adolescence is up to the patient! A patient only hurts themselves when they break the rules. Successful WLS patients commit to themselves early to be in control of their own gastric bypass growth cycle. However, some WLS patients get stuck in adolescence. I've heard many say, "Oh, I can eat anything I want, just not much of it." Don't believe it for a minute. They aren't saying how often they vomit, or dump or how they never quite achieved their weight loss goal. Weight loss patients who eat anything they want are abusing their tool and stuck in perpetual adolescence.

Maturity At maturity a patient understands the gastric bypass system and is living the life they dreamed. They have achieved desired weight loss and are maintaining a healthy weight. A diligent patient can enjoy this phase for the rest of their life.

I believe WLS maturity is reached when patients understand one word: respect. Respect for the tiny tummy, respect for the science of the body, and respect for oneself. Sure, we all experience an occasional lapse of judgment; that old lover of ours - food - is flaunting temptations every single day. But the gastric bypass patient is a brave and powerful person.

Successful patients build on infant and teenage experiences and become an adult embracing all the good things gastric bypass has facilitated. The battle against obesity isn't easy; patients will fight old habits for the rest of their life. Gastric bypass is a tool, a weapon in the battle against obesity, but it is the patient who wins the war.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss Helped by Colon Cleanse

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss Helped by Colon Cleanse.

People looking to lose weight may be interested to hear about how colon cleanse products helped one woman's mission to slim down.

Julie Evans wrote on the Purely Fitness website about how she lost a significant amount of weight when she began to combine colon cleanse supplements with a healthy diet as part of a detoxifying programme. Ms Evans decided to take the plunge and order colon cleanse products after she saw that her friend was enjoying the effects of the supplements. She wrote on the website: "I have a confession to make. I felt apprehensive when ordering the supplements - but I had seen my friend benefiting from them, so I knew they worked."

Ms Evans said she was amazed to learn that a colon can contain as much as ten pounds of undigested food and fecal matter and claims to have lost 15 pounds in three weeks after starting her diet plan.

Most people's diet consists of refined carbohydrate and saturated fat, which makes faeces thick and creates an excess amount of fat in the human system.

Human faeces in colons can contain dangerous bacteria that may lead to infections in the blood stream and it is important to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the body.

Taking colon cleanse supplements will help detoxify the body and can improve a person's appearance as it provides the skin with healthy oils and nutrients and helps people to keep looking young. Colon cleanse can also increase the metabolism of the body and help to burn foods and the fat that the body is currently storing.

In addition, an accelerated metabolism will give a body more energy, which can provide people with the energy to undertake a more vigorous workout.

Coffee lovers who are interested in the health of their colon will be pleased to know that a scientific study has claimed that the hot drink is not linked to colon cancer.

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health discovered that people who regularly drank coffee and soda did not significantly increase their chances of developing the disease.

Dr Xuehong Zhang of the organisation said that people who drank as many as six cups of coffee per day did not have a better likelihood of contracting colon cancer.

People should consult a GP or a medical professional before taking colon cleanse supplements if they are pregnant or lactating, taking medication or under medical supervision.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss Foods Burn Fat

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss Foods Burn Fat.

Hate counting calories for weight loss? Me, too. Did you know that certain foods are not only great tasting and satisfying but they actually help your body burn fat?

Hooray! I always like a bonus. So, if I am already eating well to be healthy and strong, why not enjoy the bonus of fat burning properties which naturally occur in those foods?

Do you want to know what foods will work overtime for you? Are you ready? You won't believe it. I know I didn't when I saw this list. Here are a few top picks.

l. Apples "An apple a day...." True! We have all heard how important fiber is to our diet for lowering cholesterol and cleansing our digestive systems. Well, now wonder apples have been high on the list for centuries! Pectin is a soluble fiber in apples and a kind of protein which actually gives your metabolism a boost because your body goes to work using that protein to build muscle. When muscle-building is going on, fat is burning up. Melt it away, baby!

2. Garlic Besides its reputation for keeping vampires away, (Sorry all you "Twilight" lovers), garlic contains allicin, an anti bacterial compound that helps to lower cholesterol and burn extra fats. It also fights off cold germs and viruses. My family is living proof. It must be My Italian heritage, because we don't suffer with a lot of colds. I credit that health to garlic which I cook with all the time. I also credit our family's health to this next food.

3. Tomatoes! Every good Italian loves their pasta sauce, their fresh tomatoes with olive oil, basil and mozzarella!. (There's a couple more good and yummy foods for ya!) Tomatoes are a good defense against hypertension and cancers. They are also good when it comes to reducing weight and losing unhealthy fat.

4. Oranges and orange juice. I am certain this is what keeps me without colds. Vitamin C. You've heard about it. I drink about 12 ounces in the morning to hydrate and invigorate. Vitamin C is a good fat-burning enzyme. You can get that Vitamin C from other citrus fruits as well. If you eat the fruit you will also benefit from the soluble fiber. Add a little exercise, as little as 45 minutes a week, and you will boost your weight loss.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss Challenge - 3 Personal Trainer Strategies

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss Challenge - 3 Personal Trainer Strategies.

Posh does it this way, Angelina does it that way. This is how we Personal Trainers do fat loss in the real world with my very real clients - useful people with real jobs!

1. Decide - the power of a true decision is often underestimated! A true commitment to something like weight loss or any real decision if it means anything, means taking ACTION NOW! If you are not willing at the end of reading this article to get up and go DO something towards your better health or future then forget it and stay fat. This may well sound tough, that's life, if you aren't willing to take action right away it isn't going to work for you is it? I have seen this many many times with clients and their good intentions, I pull no punches with them and I'm not going to start being soft and sugar coating this truth for you!

2. Food - don't concern yourself with the latest fad diet! Simply stick to low GI foods (this is getting easier with many foods being labelled Low, Medium or High GI), minimize bread, avoid white flower/ baked goods. Unprocessed vegetables and fruit are miles better than their processed cousins. Plain meat and fish beats processed pies and frozen ready meals, and before anyone starts the usual mournful worries about cost; fresh ingredients are virtually always cheaper than ready meals and processed food! To suggest otherwise is patronizing to those of us who have eaten incredibly healthily on below minimum wage - thanks Mum!

Drink plenty of water, minimal tea, coffee and fizzy drinks (diet or otherwise).

Alcohol, oh my goodness, where do we start? Alcohol is the biggest weight loss killer bar none! As Allan Carr says, it's a 'Drug called Devastation'. There is a good reason why the colloquial expression is, "what's your poison'"? It's the middle class condition, sit at home and knock back a 'glass' of red wine most evenings (make that a bottle!), reduce their immune system effectiveness and sabotage any chance of the fat loss they are paying me for! Take one day per week as your 'Treat Day' when you might indulge in some junk food, or have a drink of alcohol or fizzy pop if you like.

3. Activity - It's going to become your lifestyle! You are the only one who can choose to love that. Its not a chore, its a privilege! Only YOU have the ability and right to make the choice. If you are not in an wheelchair think yourself lucky and get out there; walking, running, take up a sport, go to a dance class, it's cheap and amazing fun. You don't have to join a gym, If you don't enjoy it or can't decide to enjoy it, forget it but find something(s) you do like. There is no valid excuse for sitting around and complaining that you can't lose weight. Oh and if you are in a wheelchair... go out and do the same.

Conclusion - keep it simple. Don't baffle yourself with science, I don't... how many highly intelligent Doctor types who know all about nutrition and health end up as fat unhealthy alcoholics... too many!

Decide that you are going to do this, that you are going to live as a healthy, free and energetic individual, commit to it by going out and buying a weeks worth of healthy food and chucking all your alcohol down the drain.

Take whatever action comes up as a possible option... do some press ups, go for a brisk walk, put the radio on and dance for 10 minutes! If you don't enjoy it, I challenge you to keep trying new things till you find what you do enjoy, just don't kid yourself that you've a valid excuse to be fat, low energy and unfit.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss and Dieting - Take Control of What You Eat by Dining in!

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss and Dieting - Take Control of What You Eat by Dining in!.

If you're like most Americans, you love dining out. You thoroughly enjoy the luxury of taking your sweetheart out to your favorite classy restaurant, and being able to enjoy good conversation and romantic music while your meal is prepared for you. After all, who wouldn't want that? The problem is that all of that romantic flurry can play havoc on a person's goals if they're trying to stick to a diet.

Some of the most widely popular diet plans in all of the world utilize counting systems in which different types of food are ranked by what's in them, and what those things are supposed to do to your body. In case you haven't noticed, not that many fine restaurants have a tendency to list their ingredients. It simply wouldn't be practical for them to do so. Not only that, but there's not much that's less romantic than your spouse breaking out a graphing calculator at the dinner table to start adding up the carbohydrates.

Instead, why not give yourself the best of both worlds by dining in a bit more often? You can still enjoy the company of your lover with some nice candle light, and cooking a meal together is a fun and engaging activity.

At the same time, this gives you the opportunity to compare all of your nutritional facts well in advance, while you're buying all of the ingredients. That way, what's going into your meal doesn't even have to enter your mind when it's time to actually start cooking with your loved one. If this is someone new that you're with, cooking together saves you the awkward silences by giving you something you can always bring the conversation back to if it gets stale; the food.

It's the perfect way to preserve the potential to have a wonderful evening with someone special without feeling like you have betrayed your own body by straying off the path to a slender body that your diet plan has laid out before you.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.

Weight Loss After Pregnancy - Shed Off Baby Fat!

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Weight Loss After Pregnancy - Shed Off Baby Fat!.

It is not easy to deal with losing weight after pregnancy. All that flab can surely send your self-esteem careening to rock bottom heights. The fact that you cannot wear your old clothes pre-pregnancy is a reminder that you were once a size 1.

The weight you have gained during pregnancy is normally lessened throughout the course of pregnancy. However, if you are still eating slices of cake everyday or eating processed, fatty foods in drive-throughs, then it should be no surprise that the scale is incessantly increasing.

Step 1: You have to condition yourself for life-altering changes. Some people diet for a week and then go back to their old habits because they are not yet emotionally and physically ready to ditch bad eating habits. I don't blame these people. Hamburgers with double patties and cheese are too good to pass up.

However, these things can still be eaten if eaten occasionally. Two or three times a year is enough to remember what it tastes like. Before embarking on the whole dieting and exercising process, you have to acknowledge the fact that it will require your full participation-your wholehearted participation and no excuses.

Step 2: Build a support system. Self image is important but if you have people who encourage you to be a better person in all aspects of your personality, chances of getting back into shape are even higher.

Step 3: Exercising also loves company. Get your husband or your friends to walk around the park every morning. Jogging with neighbors is also a good exercise routine. If you have friends that share the same routine with you, it is less boring and you are less likely to look at it as a chore and more likely to anticipate the next walk in the park.

Step 4: Start a healthier eating habit. It is not good to immediately become a vegetarian when you are a meat-lover all your life. You can still have meat and everything that you love to eat but it is just a matter of substituting it with healthier food choices and leaving the sinfully good foods for occasional bingeing.

Step 5: Savor the dining experience. Cut back your food potion and savor every morsel. Your taste buds will not crave for more if it has been satiated fully. Taste the food and you are less likely to go for a second helping.

If you follow these steps by heart, you can lose flab and lose weight after pregnancy.

Food Lovers Fat Loss System Scam.